Monday, September 24, 2012

Beginning of Classes

Good evening!

Nothing incredibly interesting has happened here in the last week, although I've familiarized myself with campus and gotten very comfortable with my bus route into town. I've indulged in some typical "English" food, including Jaffa Cakes, English Breakfast tea, Sticky Toffee Pudding Cake, Spaghetti Bolognese, and of course, Fish and Chips. Google any of the above for further information. My flat mates and I cooked our first "family" meal last night. Well, two of my mates cooked. The rest of us just gorged ourselves and cleaned up afterwards. I aim to begin testing my cooking limits soon. A girl can only eat microwavable veggies and pasta so much. It was rumored that the food in England is pretty narly. Unfortunately I must agree, but that's nothing some hot sauce and a whole lot of pepper can't cure! Besides, when I'm hungry enough, I'll eat just about anything.

The university's "Fresher's Fayre" was held this passed Thursday. (They call their freshmen, "freshers.") I was giddy with excitement and anticipation, because there were oh so many clubs and societies I knew I wanted to join immediately. So far, I've signed up for the Belly Dancing club, the female Football team (aka soccer), the Creative Writing Society (go figure), KTV (the university's student television station), and T24 (the theatre department). I had my first auditions for T24's autumn productions earlier this evening. Hoping to hear back by Wednesday!! If you don't read anything more about theatre, that means I did not get a part. So don't ask. Just kidding! Haha. 
But seriously. 

Lucky me, I have ALL of my classes on Tuesdays, which includes both of my lectures and their respective seminars later in the afternoon. And nothing else. Four outta five weekdays of pure freedom? Heck yes, I'll take that! I am actually quite anxious to get the ball rolling and learn more about my professors and the courses. I've checked out the rooms, and they seem to hold about 20 people each. Hopefully, I will avoid the huge, 500+ seat lecture theaters. I had enough of that sitting through Biology freshman year, haha. Winter has arrived more swiftly than I'd expected. Temperatures are dropping quickly, and the steady, annoying, frigid rainfall has begun. But I have my rain boots at the ready, and I cannot wait to get more involved on campus!! I've been warned not to spread myself too thin by joining a mass of clubs, so I can leave myself some time for weekends travels, but all the groups here seem like so much fun! Everyone I live with is a freshman, ehem, I mean fresher, and their novelty and optimistic energy is refreshing and incredibly contagious. 

I'm off to begin reading Chaucer's Canterbury Tales for my Medieval Literature class. Oh, how the stories bring me back to English Lit in high school! That's all for now!


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